Tuesday, July 28, 2009

SOTD Road Trip Edition: Maino feat. T-Pain, "All The Above"

Why it's song of the day:

This weekend one of my best friends Claire and I road tripped from Charlottesville, VA to Bloomington, IN to visit the third best friend in our trifecta-- Chelsea, who is having a baby boy in November. It was a long, but surprisingly scenic road trip. Having never been to the mid-west, I guess I just always envisioned that entire block of the country as a flat expanse of boring, but the drive(just shy of 1000 miles on i64) took us over the mountains of West Virginia, through the rolling fields of Kentucky and into hilly (yep, i was surprised, too) southern Indiana. In the 20 total hours we spent on the road (in just one 4 day weekend!), Claire and I probably listened to this jam at least 50 times-- I wish I was exaggerating.

Why you should love it:

Listen to this song on a road trip and you will

a. look super fly rolling down the highway regardless of how ghetto your whip may be.
b. rep the gangsta lifestyle in white-bread middle america.
c. be too busy dancing to get snappy with the person you've been in an eight square foot metal box with for the past 9 hours.
d. all the above.


  1. I hope you thought of me on this road trip!! I am sad that I was never visited by you two but it sounds like you had a blast on the roadtrip and blessed time with Chels. P.s. its only like 600 miles darling and by no means should have taken you 20 hours just to bloomington!!! take it from the pro ;)

  2. Round trip, gurrrl. 10 hours each way.

  3. Did I download it? Mayyyybe...
