Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Happy Birthday to me!

After yesterday's reflection on 25 wonderful things I did last year, I spent this morning dreaming up 26 things I'd like to try and accomplish before January 31, 2013. Some are career goals, some are financial,  some personal, and others are maybe just dreams, but I'm rather excited to give this list my best shot...

26 Things I  Want to do at 26:

1. Research and apply to graduate schools.
2. Take a grant writing class.
3. Apply for a Fulbright grant.
4. Learn how to write copy.
5. Publish some articles / build up my writing portfolio.
6. Make trips to visit friends in DC, Philly, NYC, Austin, and Seattle.
7. Vacation in the Outer Banks for the first time in three years.
8. Finish watching the Harry Potter movies.
9. Come up with a business plan/proposal for an arts-integration focused teacher professional development program in Richmond.
10. Teach a Shakespeare class.
11. Audition at Richmond Shakespeare. Maybe even get cast in something.
12. Create an original performance piece with a group of at-risk teens.
13. Start writing that play I've always wanted to write about Flannery O' Connor.
14. Guest lecture in a theatre education class at JMU.
15. Direct professional actors in a reading of a great new script.
16. Visit at least one national park I haven't been to yet.
17. Learn to play the Ukelele.
18. Get Richmond hipsters into square dancing. If it works in Seattle/Portland, it can work here.
19. Bring story drama to some local elementary schools/ libraries.
20. Fall in love. If not with someone, with something or someplace.
21. Have enough regular income to actually make a budget & save some money.
22. Move out of my parents house and settle into a place of my own.
23. Go camping with my brothers in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
24. Start a RVA chapter of my Seattle YA book club: The Homecoming Court Literary Consortium.
25. Find and get involved in a healthy church.
26. Stop worrying about what comes next and enjoy what comes now.