Friday, October 29, 2010


I've told you more than once about my love for Ingrid Michaelson.

But seriously.

I think Ingrid is my musical soulmate, at least for this season of my life. Her music was an emotional touchstone throughout my transition to Seattle, and her words do much better than mine to express the angst and frustrations that a creative, independent woman feels in her 20's. I can't count the number of times I've listened to "Maybe" or "Are we there yet" while thinking about the uncertainties of my future and the people and places I've let go of over the past few years. Or the times I've sung along to "Be Ok" and "Winter Song" on the verge of tears because in those songs I can hang on, knowing that someone else feels what do.

So, I'm kind of a big fan, ok?

And tonight, I finally got to see Ingrid live.

Since it's almost 1am and I have to telefund from 10am-5pm tomorrow (awesome life, right?), I've reduced my review of the show to a Letterman late-night top 10... except I'm tired, so it's going to be reduced to a top 5. Without any further ado:

The Top 5 Reasons Ingrid Michaelson is even better live than she is on my ipod. (Alternate title: Top 10 Reasons I want to be Ingrid's BFFAE)

5. She quoted bon-qui-qui. No joke. In her intro to "once was love" (which she dedicated to lee-anne rimes, fyi) she said that if a man doesn't treat a lady right anymore he "GOTS TO GO."

4. She's really funny. Watching her live was like watching a variety show. Stand-up comedy, music, and.. of course, dance numbers (see #1)

3. She covered night swimming by REM with just her voice and a looping pedal. And told a really funny story about the first time she did the song at Carnegie Hall and then got drunk and embarrassed herself in front of frontman Michael Stipe.

2. She totally mocked the whole encore tradition by hiding with her band underneath a sheet onstage while everyone clapped. Then, when they actually performed the encore it was a 90's punk-rock version of "The Way I Am." I felt like I was on the set of 10 things I Hate About You.

1. The last song in her set was Toxic by Britney Spears. Which was then followed by a glee-style choreographed dance/bow to the original. Complete with a secret handshake.

All in all, a fantastic night out. Next up: Sufjan Stevens on Saturday. Get jealous.

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